30 Mar 2021 15:18:26
CBJ: Merzlikins + Laine
EDM: Nuge + Jones + Koskinen + 1st 2021.
1.) 30 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021 16:03:46
dang that is actually a really interesting one. Nuge might actually fit Torts system as he’s kinda a laid back, team-first player.
2.) 30 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021 16:08:49
Jeez as an Oilers fan, what are you on?
Take out Nuge and Liane and maybe add Jenner or Savard and Benson or Maroody and it’s closer.
This proposed one is pretty bad with RFA Liane in and UFA Nuge in.
3.) 30 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021 16:11:25
Or even UFA Foligno
Elvis + Foligno
Jones + 1st + Koskinen
Is actually pretty good.
Maybe a lower end prospect from Edm also not named Broberg, Holloway, Lavoie, Samorukov, Benson, Maroody,
CLB gets Caleb Jones To play with his brother and a valuable 1st. Foligno is a UFA.
4.) 31 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021 21:56:20
@yupp Elvis for Kosk, Jones and a first is pretty reasonable considering Kosk has negative value imo.
5.) 31 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021 23:58:48
If the Cap hits line up this is a VERY interesting trade proposal.
6.) 31 Mar 2021
31 Mar 2021 19:19:16
Merzlikins > Koskinen
Laine > Nuge
Jones and a 1st isn't enough extra to get it done. Merzlikins for Koskinen and a 1st might.
As for Laine it's highly unlikely Columbus' Finnish GM is going to trade the Finnish player he's a huge fan of and overpaid for to get him in the first place.