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25 Mar 2024 13:54:30
At The Draft.

Ottawa Trades
3rd Round Pick 2025*

Toronto Trades
Cowan (OHL)
1st Round Pick 2024
1st Round Pick 2026 (Lottery Protected)

*Sens have 2 picks in the 2025 3rd Round, their own and Florida's.
The Leafs will decide which one they want at The 2025 Draft.

This would be a trade proposal of the ages, Ottawa imo would look at this as they are still in a rebuild and getting this much for mostly BTkachuk could help them more for their future than not doing this proposal.
Leafs get a LWinger that brings so much to the table it would be worth trading away that much youth and future to get him, Hamonic gives them also what they need a tough right-handed shooting defenceman.

Thoughts ?

Agree10 Disagree31

25 Mar 2024 14:48:55
Ottawa won't trade Tkachuk, especially for that horrible offer of 4th line NHLers, boarder line AHLers, unproven Junior players, and late 1st round picks.
Stop already with your daily one sided, pro leaf trade follies.

25 Mar 2024 15:40:46
Besides DeWar who is the 4th liner? and there are no AHLers in my proposal, Easton Cowan just set a record for conservative points in London and that's not a prospect?
Liljegren would be third in Defense scoring so that's garbage as well?
Two 1st Rounders aren't worth anything else according to you.
And Holmberg is a solid Winger/ Centre and will only get better.
Look to trade Brady Tkachuk would be a bold move but what is in my proposal is the opposite of what you just posted as besides DeWar being a 4th liner, nothing else in your view applies at all.

25 Mar 2024 22:12:48
Stop it. Ottawa wouldn't accept and the little cost controlled depth we do have should be held onto.

We are a whole ass year away from being ready to make a legitimate push. We have next to zero draft capital, our goaltending is questionable at best, and we are still missing a very solid RHD.

You overvalue our players like no other man and have no idea the value of other teams' players or their importance to their current team.

25 Mar 2024 23:35:21
Adding Tkachuk would mean $62.355 million out of a possible $87.7 million salary cap will be allocated to 6 players, 5 of which are forwards. (Matthews 13.25, Nylander 11.5, Tavares 11, Marner 10.9, Reilly 7.5 and Tkachuk at 8.205)

$24.645 million left to pay 16 players, one of which would be Samsonov looking for an extension and a raise on his current $3.55m salary.

Toronto doesn't get any closer to a Stanley cup by trading their best prospect and 2 1st round picks for another forward.

26 Mar 2024 13:19:09
16 players to resign?
That number is way off, you might disagree with me which you are entitled to about my proposal, but please post facts not fiction.

26 Mar 2024 13:29:39
He never said we needed to resign them he's saying we have $24.645 mill to fill out 16 roster spots. That's not enough to build a contending team. I'm sure you are seeing Vegas trade away their draft capital and are thinking man we should do that too. The difference is they have guys signed at reasonable cap hits so they have built an absolute powerhouse of a team because of it. They can afford to trade draft picks away cause they are likely 3-4 years away from some key players regressing and can wait to add prospects. We are not.

26 Mar 2024 13:32:55
$10.7 million allocated to Knies, Kampf, Reaves, Mcmann, McCabe, Timmins and Woll.

So that's $73 million out of $87 million committed to 13 players.

$14 million left to sign a starting goalie, 3 NHL caliber defenseman, and 5 other NHL caliber forwards.

You want facts? You can't ice a competitive NHL roster when 84% of your teams salary is allocated to only 13 players, none of which are the starting goalie.

26 Mar 2024 13:39:37
Leafs for next season have 13 players signed, the max on a roster is 23 players so 23 - 13 is 10 not 16, please explain where the other 6 come in?

26 Mar 2024 13:52:55
Woll is the starter next season not Samsonov, which I believe isn't resigned.

26 Mar 2024 14:10:05
Might as well take 2.2 mill off that Hamonic makes @DrwDave so that number now becomes 11.8 mill for two NHL caliber dmen, 5 other forwards, and I won't even say a starting goalie but another goalie to share starting duties with Will. Either way it's not enough to make a competitive cup team.

26 Mar 2024 14:40:40
Good god man he is saying the rest of the cap left over after you take away the cap hits of Matthews, Tavares, Marner, Nylander, Rielly, and Tkachuk would be used on the remaining roster spots whether they are signed to us or not. He also listed the players that are signed through till next offseason and they eat up $12.9 mill. So now we are at around $11.8 mill for the remaining roster spots from either guys in our system or guys we sign. End of the day we need another NHL level goalie, at least 2 NHL level dmen, and forwards to either be signed or from our system. The number is actually even less as I didn't include Jarnkrok.

28 Mar 2024 11:06:43
Thats alot of quantity with very little quality coming from the leafs, like usual.

31 Mar 2024 11:27:05
"Thanks, I needed a good laugh. " - Steve Staios.



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