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15 Jul 2024 21:38:56
Another option for same trade with leafs and flames

Tor - Minten



2025 2nd

Calvary - Huberdeau - 50%

Believable2 Unbelievable18

15 Jul 2024 22:51:42
Calgary isn’t retaining 5.25 million for 7 years.

Agree9 Disagree1

15 Jul 2024 21:36:16
Calgary is in rebuild mode and might as well try and off load some assets for picks and prospects.

Tor Minten

Topi Nemela

Jankrok/kampf - cap
Going back

2025 second

Calgary Huberdeau - 50%

Believable2 Unbelievable14

16 Jul 2024 17:02:11
I dont think this work for either team.

Agree4 Disagree0

13 Jul 2024 22:53:20
Columbus trades
Charlie Elick
3rd round pick

Winnipeg trades
Rutger McGroarty

Believable0 Unbelievable15

14 Jul 2024 00:18:37
Unlikely, but maybe if the Jets really like Elick. The Jets are looking for an NHL player or NHL ready prospect. They won't want to be going backwards developmental wise.

Most likely you'll need to check back at the TDL at the earliest. Chevy has set his price and is under no pressure to rush to make a trade.

Agree0 Disagree2

13 Jul 2024 16:52:04
Just read an article about a trade between PHI and WPG.

Great trade for WPG for now. Providing they could resign Konecny.
But both player are later 20s.
But Konecny and Scheifele and think would look really good together.
But honestly I can't see this trade happening.

Believable1 Unbelievable13

13 Jul 2024 19:47:17
Yeah, I definitely can't see that happening. The players are too old, have too little term left and Konecny isn't extending in Winnipeg.

It's not anything Winnipeg would be looking for in exchange for McGroarty, imo.

Agree1 Disagree6

13 Jul 2024 22:38:53
Is this guy, not even a top 10 pick, worth that?

Agree5 Disagree1

14 Jul 2024 05:05:22
Personally I think this is way too much for McGoarty.
So far all I’ve read so far is that really only few teams interested in McGoarty because of his demand of having a NHL roster spot. Montreal, Carolina, and I guess Philadelphia.

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14 Jul 2024 17:11:38
Id like to think Chevy would take this deal. Makes the Jets better and deeper going into next season. Only have so many good years left in Helly so the time for being all in for a cup is now for the Jets.

Agree3 Disagree1

14 Jul 2024 21:40:34
I would think Flyers add Sanheim and a top prospect, because Rutger is a superstar.

Agree1 Disagree2

15 Jul 2024 01:53:36
superstar? seems more attitude. maybe should be in Toronto.

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16 Jul 2024 11:47:38
I wasn't serious.

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21 Jul 2024 06:06:49
Whoever wrote this article is a pinball Winnipeg fan. that's like a trade for a allstar, not a fairly upside prospect.

Agree0 Disagree0

11 Jul 2024 13:01:19
Big trade between Toronoto and Edmonton.

EDM - Marner, Robertson and Liljegren

TOR: Draisaitl

Believable9 Unbelievable26

12 Jul 2024 02:51:26

Agree10 Disagree2

12 Jul 2024 20:10:12
Edmonton front office: "Dude, dude. you're not going to believe the call I just got from Toronto. lol. it's hilarious. "

Agree9 Disagree2

21 Jul 2024 06:09:27
In a crazy world that they both say they're not resigning a both teams decide to trade them, Toronto sends a first, a top prospect with the rest of that.

Agree0 Disagree0

09 Jul 2024 19:41:05
Lilijgren, Timmons & mid-prospect for Vatrano.

Marner & Robertson for Crouse, Guenther & 1st round pick.

Kulak for Harvey-Pinard & 5th round pick.

Leafs sign Shattenkirk $2.5/yr
Oilers sign Suter $1.3/yr

Believable4 Unbelievable23

09 Jul 2024 21:35:32
Guenther isn’t going anywhere, he is gonna be a steady 40 goal guy.
Not sure if Anaheim would want that as a return
Habs want kulak back? Do not think so
Don’t see any of this happening.

Agree3 Disagree1

09 Jul 2024 23:33:43
Who is the elite player in this proposal with Utah and who is just about to hit his prime?
Marner was a Top 5 RWinger in points last season and has consistently been a top ELITE player for more than a few years now.
Why are you making Marner out as an average player constantly?
Truthfully Treliving would want more than that package as Guenther is going to be good but not anywhere in the same class as Marner.

Agree2 Disagree6

10 Jul 2024 14:09:52
I’m not making him out as average. I’m stating that Utah is keeping Guenther. I will add that elite should only be thrown at players that win.

Agree5 Disagree2

10 Jul 2024 19:56:48
So Marcel Dionne and Gilbert Perreault weren't elite players?

Agree2 Disagree4

10 Jul 2024 23:47:04
You are putting marner in with them? Don’t think so.

Agree7 Disagree0

10 Jul 2024 23:49:54
Do you even watch anyone else other than the leafs? Doesn’t seem like it.

Agree6 Disagree1

11 Jul 2024 00:38:13
My point is Dionne and Gilbert Perreault never won a Cup.
If you think Marner won't be in The HOF after he retires you are also delusional.
Marner is an elite forward.

Agree0 Disagree8

11 Jul 2024 01:56:52
Then why trade him?

Agree7 Disagree1

11 Jul 2024 02:53:07
Marner does better in playoffs than Dionne. ( I think, he was retired before I was born) . Why would the leafs trade a super star? Because they have 3 super stars and Tavares making 45 million.

Agree1 Disagree3

11 Jul 2024 15:46:38
Dionne actually slightly higher points per game. Funny you say leafs have 4 superstars. You think if they were actually superstars they would have achieved something. Tavares contract done next year, so I say again if he is that good you think try to keep him at all cost. Lol.

Agree4 Disagree1

11 Jul 2024 18:42:05
Dude let’s say Edmonton had Makar, Mackinnon, Paniran, McDavid, Bedard and a prime Wayne Gretzky. How are they going to keep all of them under the cap? Super stars are expensive and you need depth.

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13 Jul 2024 14:59:02
the issue isn't having a lot of superstars. it is overpaying 2 of them before they deserved it.

Agree2 Disagree0

09 Jul 2024 01:56:50
Wpg Trade Ehlers ans Mcgroarty

Mtl Trade Dvorak 1 st Pick protect top 3 and Mailloux or Hutson.

Believable2 Unbelievable20

09 Jul 2024 02:24:17
The Jets aren't taking back a cap dump in an Ehlers or McGroarty trade.

True North wouldn't be interested in Mailloux due to his character issues.

I can't see Montreal trading Hutson.

Agree8 Disagree7

10 Jul 2024 14:42:47
Too much from MTL. they don't need Ehlers in their rebuild. Ehlers should be somewhere contending now at 28.

Agree6 Disagree4

11 Jul 2024 18:56:18
Winnipeg definitely takes back a cap dump if this is offered.

Agree1 Disagree1

26 Jul 2024 12:25:57
There's a pretty significant difference in value between Hutson and Mailloux. I'm sure the jets would be interested in a 1 for 1 deal (Mcgroarty for Hutson) but I doubt MTL would agree

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08 Jul 2024 19:45:35
SJ Trades
Future Considerations

Toronto Trades
NRobertson (RFA)

*Kampf will have to waive his NTC to complete the transaction.

With Cap being an issue with Toronto Kampf imo is the one that has to go, you have to add NRobertson for The Sharks to take on Kampf's remaining 3 years.

Thoughts ?

Believable10 Unbelievable21

08 Jul 2024 21:48:23
What cap issue? The leafs can run a 22 man roster and be under the cap. Just can’t run 23 players.

Agree1 Disagree7

08 Jul 2024 22:10:44
Not enough from the leafs. Thoughts, my senators had to shed a 3rd to send joseph packing. 27 year old joseph, a 35 point man with a Stanley cup ring and 2 years left at 2.9
Kampf at 29 years old, a 19 point man with 3 years left at 2.5 would need something other than a disgruntled RFA forward who requested a trade. The sharks would want better compensation for taking on a contract that the leafs had no problems giving out to the guy just one year ago.

Agree3 Disagree5

09 Jul 2024 02:50:06
NRobertson to start had only 8 points less in 16 fewer games, why are you focused on Kampf only? NRobertson is the prize for SJ and better than Joseph hands down as well as 5 years younger.
Prime example of focusing on one player when it comes to Leaf proposals.
Why would SJ want a 22 year old winger who is only getting better in your thinking.
Plus Joseph makes more than Kampf not a lot more but more regardless.
SJ isn't giving up anything for 2 NHL Players with NRobertson in the Top 6 on SJ.

Agree2 Disagree8

09 Jul 2024 02:52:09
Incorrect as DeWar isn't signed yet and they don't have enough Cap for DeWar.

Agree1 Disagree5

09 Jul 2024 05:44:57
Right well that’s depends on how much he signs for. The obvious choice to go is Timmons.

Agree1 Disagree5

09 Jul 2024 11:41:05
Detroit had to give San Jose a 2nd round pick to dump Walmans $3.4m contract.

Robertson has no trade value, in your own proposals you've gone from using Robertson as the main piece of trades to try and get Zegras, Chychrun and many others.

Now you're saying he's a throwaway to dump Kampfs contract. Figure it out pinball. Add a 2nd round draft pick and stop being such a crybaby when people give you a reality check on how these cap dump trades work.

Agree7 Disagree1

09 Jul 2024 18:25:12
Robertson, a 2-way player with 27 points and 5 seasons under his belt does not hold the value you are suggesting. an NHL top 6? 😂 😂 😂.

Agree6 Disagree1

09 Jul 2024 18:50:20
DRW. thanks for bringing some hockey sense to this thread once again. YEESH! Yep, SJ is going to take on bad leaf contracts for absolutely nothing (aka "future considerations". )

Agree6 Disagree0

10 Jul 2024 04:26:27
didn't Dallas just trade Faska to The Blues for future considerations and didn't have to add anything?
You going to tell me Faska and Kampf aren't comparable?
Oh right only if Faska was a Leaf then no team will take on that contract.
You do realize your bias is obvious right?
I don't mind people disagreeing with me that's part of the site, but accept mine when you get it back without insults, unless you are an adolescent and have obvious growing up to do, your responses are usually very immature.

Agree2 Disagree7

12 Jul 2024 03:01:17
PINBALl…absolutely hilarious. (and without even trying. )

- you ask me to accept your feedback, and reply without insults.

- then you insult by saying, AND I QUOTE: “unless you are an adolescent and have obvious growing up to do, your responses are usually very immature”.

You just can’t make this stuff up, so I think I’ll let your words say it all. WELL PLAYED! YOU’RE DOING GREAT👍😂.

Agree4 Disagree0

12 Jul 2024 19:58:00
That was my sarcasm at the end.
I said it because I knew you would point it out lol.

Agree0 Disagree4

07 Jul 2024 15:59:43
Possibly off the wall trade proposal.

Sharangovich may not bring the offence that Ehlers can. But he did have a good season and he brings more grit than Ehlers and better defensively. Also he can play all three forward positions. May need work on face offs tho.
Many would see this as more of a lateral move. But I feel it brings more options.

Believable1 Unbelievable17

07 Jul 2024 17:21:28
I think the Flames will stick with Sharongovic. I beleive they also just re-signed him to a new long term deal.

Agree5 Disagree1

07 Jul 2024 19:23:47
Calgary just extended Sharangovich, they're not trading him.

Agree3 Disagree0

08 Jul 2024 14:12:00
I agree that it doesn't look like they will trade him given the extension, but you never know. remember Dubois.

Agree0 Disagree1

08 Jul 2024 18:25:24
He quietly had a solid season. What’s sharangovichs deal i admittedly don’t know a lot about him who is he as a player? Something like a Zacha?

Agree1 Disagree3

09 Jul 2024 01:08:09
I had no idea that Sharangovich just signed an extension. Never checked. My bad.

Agree2 Disagree0

07 Jul 2024 00:48:21
Just read an article about WPG Ehlers.
That 2 main teams showing interest.
Carolina and NYI.
Just talked about trade with NYI
Draft pick.

If this is the case I would go after
Possibly Holmstrom.

Carolina trade would be tough.
I don't think would work. Be nice but it's a no.

WPG would love Jarvis. But Carolina is not trading him.
Maybe Ehlers and McGoarty for Jarvis and Drury. But IDK.

Believable0 Unbelievable14

07 Jul 2024 02:37:29
Pageau obviously doesn't worth since he's a cap dump and wouldn't waive for Winnipeg anyways.

They're not trading Eiserman and Dufour and Holmstrom are throw in, low value pieces that don't give Winnipeg anything they need.

Carolina isn't trading Jarvis and Necas is a lateral move basically for a player with only 2 years to UFA that will be more expensive than Ehlers next year.

Agree2 Disagree0

07 Jul 2024 03:28:45
Personally I didn’t like the Pageau trade. Exactly what you said. Salary dump case scenario. Pageau is good, mostly defensive, which Jets already have Lowry and Namestnikov.
The Jets needs are a 2C and more help on defence. Preferably top 4D and RD.

Agree2 Disagree0

07 Jul 2024 04:10:19
Agree. The only piece from the Islanders that makes sense is Pulock and I don't see that happening.

Agree1 Disagree0

08 Jul 2024 16:01:26
gotta love these guys that presume a player won't waive a no trade. what is the basis of your argument? is it because you don't like Winnipeg?

Agree1 Disagree0

06 Jul 2024 20:21:59

Believable1 Unbelievable18

06 Jul 2024 20:56:31
Other than Wright, who Seattle isn't trading the other two pieces do nothing for Winnipeg or fill any needs.

Agree0 Disagree2

06 Jul 2024 21:19:07
Hey memarcusjoe why haven’t you ever made any trade proposals on here? All you do is criticize everyone else’s proposals. Grant it that a lot of the times what you say makes sense. You are an intelligent guy, But it’s easy to criticize. But why won’t YOU make a trade proposal? Scared of being criticized yourself?
You have answers to a lot of trade proposals but no example proposals.
Like to know what you would do if you were a NHL GM.
This isn’t to criticize you or be negative in any way. Like I said earlier. I think you are pretty intelligent guy. Just would like to know what you are thinking or would do in certain situations. Like McGoarty or/ & Ehlers trade? .
As far as above trade.
Brogen gives size on Right side.
Kartye young and gritty
I agree with you on Wright but if so it would take a lot to get him.

Agree6 Disagree0

06 Jul 2024 21:39:23
McGroarty > Wright
Pionk > Borgen
Ehlers >> Kartye.

Agree2 Disagree4

06 Jul 2024 22:14:54
I've done them in the past, but I don't really find them all that much fun.

I prefer discussing trade ideas that are out there or might actually happen.

The only player rumor wise that makes sense for Ehlers is Pulock. However, he's likely not available and wouldn't waive for Winnipeg. So until something changes there's not much to discuss.

McGroarty I think won't be moved anytime soon.

Agree0 Disagree5

06 Jul 2024 22:31:42
Lol. Nice trade Ebsolutely!
I like it.

Agree0 Disagree2

07 Jul 2024 16:03:28
No way McGority is better then Wright.

Agree1 Disagree3

07 Jul 2024 17:23:53
Not better but more value. I should’ve looked at ages because I didn’t realize there the same age. Wright has done a lot at 20 so I’m wrong I’d rather Wright.

Agree1 Disagree0


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