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20 Jun 2016 20:20:09
CLB and PIT are have real cap issues. CGY isn't nearly as bad and can help both while improving on the ice.
It's been reported that the NHLPA will use the escalator which could bring the cap to about $72.77 mil. CLB needs to sign Seth Jones. PIT is already projected to be over the cap t start the season (via Generalfanager)
I'll mention right now that the real assets gained by both CLB and PIT are primarily cap savings so please consider this when commenting. This is a complicated trade.

To PIT: #34 (CLB), #66 (CGY), L. Bouma (CGY)

To CLB: #6 (CGY), #54 (CGY), MA Fleury (PIT), J. Colborne (CGY)

To CGY: #3 (CLB), S. Bobrovsky (CLB) - ($1.425 retained) , S. Hartnell

CLB- gets a $5mil cap savings (prior to resigning Colborne who I project to get $2.5 mil and can play all fwd positions. Add in their available cap space of around $4 mil, that gives plenty of space to resign Jones. Plus a top 10 pick to draft Brown or Keller for their #1 C (future) position and another 2nd rnd pick, and a replacement #1 G.
PIT- gets a heart and soul 3-4 liner signed for 2 more years and 2 extra draft picks that they were lacking in as well as $3.55 in cap savings.
CGY- gets the #3 pick they covet
(Puljujarvi), Hartnell to play on the LW and a starting G.

CGY will have to buy out Raymond, but will still be able to resign Johnny and Mony to a combined $14 mil as well as Nakladal, Wotherspoon, Ortio, and Jooris @ $750,000- $1 mil each. They will also have to do a paper transaction of Bennett to the minors to start the season to be under the cap, and then place Smid on LTIR to be under the cap by just under $3.5 mil
All caps work, all teams are tight, but doable. Thoughts?


1.) 20 Jun 2016 23:10:21
Thought it would be dumb but is actually not bad, if three team trades were more common this would actually make sense,

2.) 21 Jun 2016 01:44:13
Good post

3.) 21 Jun 2016 02:10:04
Brobovsky> Flury CLB losses this bad terrible.

4.) 21 Jun 2016 02:43:45
I am pretty sure there is way to much cap going to Calgary. They still have to resign Gaudreau and Monahan and only have around 20 mil in cap space.

5.) 21 Jun 2016 02:46:21
Calgary gets a lot more value than Columbus and Pittsburgh.

6.) 21 Jun 2016 12:53:40
Calgary takes this and runs and never turns back. But with cap they can't do this.



18 May 2016 04:35:23
Bare with me. I'm thinking while typing. Does this in any way make sense and is it at all plausible?

To BOS: #6, Wideman, Wotherspoon
To CGY: #14, #27 (ish), Pastrnak

To WPG: Johnny Gaudreau, #27 (ish)
To CGY: #2, #22, Hellebuyck, Trouba

To EDM: Trouba

To CGY: #3

CGY drafts Laine and Puljujaavi and gets Pastrnak to complete the top 2 lines and a #1 goalie.

WPG gets one of the most dynamic players to play with Scheifele and a later 1st round. Not to mention a solution to possibly losing a G at expansion for nothing.

BOS gets a solution for now and the future to the D.

EDM gets a potential top pairing D for the near future.

CLB gets a #1 C

Did I miss anything? I think the BOS trade may be off. WPG may need a bit more from CGY but Gaudreau's is very high?

It may just way crazy but, please, is this possible? Where is there adds or take-aways? Thanks.


1.) 18 May 2016 04:58:06
I'm a big fan Gaudreau and surprised to see a Calgary fan trade him but that's way to much for him. 2nd alone is close or enough. With that said I'd take Laine over Gaudreau.

2.) 18 May 2016 05:05:34
lol what kinda hallucigions are u on to think about this messed up trades, damn wpg gets ripped of the most lol. top 4 or better yougn defman 1 of the best if not the best goail prospects whos was awesome when called up wpgs starting goalie nxt season probbly, and 2nd over all Nd the 22nd , for johny ahahahaha he isn't crosby, no way in hell would jets make that trade, none of the rest happen without the straight out robbing of thejets, that's like the fleecing that happened to em when they joined nhl from whl. But really what kinda drugs u on.

3.) 18 May 2016 09:32:12
Wow So much terrible going on here.
Laine will be a lot better than Gaudreau! And then you want a stud goalie prospect in Hellebucyk and a top 3 D in Trouba AND a 1st round pick? Holy efin crap man. And then you say WPG may need to add more? That is the most over valued proposal of one player (Gaudreau) I think I have ever seen on this site. And it happens daily.

4.) 18 May 2016 11:47:30
you're right, the Boston trade is off.

5.) 18 May 2016 11:47:30
you're right, the Boston trade is off.



08 May 2016 20:16:59
What MIN needs more than anything is cap space. Big contracts that haven't or are no longer working out to Vsnek and Pominville need to move. MIN have already said they will likely move Kuemper and try to sign a more affordable back up.

To CGY: Kuemper, Tuch, #15 overall pick and Pominville ($1mil retained)

To MIN: #6 overall pick, FLA 2nd round pick Stajan.

CGY gets a young goalie perhaps ready to be a starter, a very good RW prospect and a possible reclamation RW to move down 9 spots.

MIN gets $1.5mil in immediate cap space for 2 years then another $3.25 (approx) after that when Stajan's contract is up. They move up to get a solid #6 OA pick and also replenish a 2nd rnd pick to which they have next to no picks this year.

Any adds? Thoughts?


1.) 09 May 2016 00:55:21
I don't think that package merits a 9 spot jump into the top ten. Also I don't think Calgary is looking for a goalie that perhaps be a starter. They had 3 goalies last year that perhaps could have been starters. They'd be looking. For a for sure thing.

2.) 09 May 2016 00:58:47
CGY has their own upcoming cap issues. Maybe after the kids are signed and they exhaust other goalie option (Andersen) this might work. I still think MIN adds a bit.

3.) 09 May 2016 01:45:19
Pretty solid post actually. Like it for both teams. My one comment/ suggestion would be for Wild to not retain on Pominville or take Stajan out. Not both. If Wild are retaining on Poms they won't take a cap dump (Stajan) and vice versa. Still a good post though, props to you.

4.) 09 May 2016 03:26:13
Thanks for the replies.

@ AB Moose
I looked at CGY's projected starting cap for next year. After Gaudreau and Mony sign, which I estimated at a combined $15 mil, CGY would sit at approx. $60 mil before signing any other RFA's. I guess Kuemper and Ortio come in at approx. $4.5 mil combined which gives lots of room for Pomminville. And then subtract Stajan's salary.

@ BJ96
Stajan was added to help balance the cap hits somewhat and with Pominville having an extra year on his contract, it seemed fair. I added Stajan specifically because it seemed the one position they could add a player. I'm sure MIN would love to clear their cap issues in one move, but they put themselves there and $1.5 mil free is nothing to sneeze at considering. If CGY did that, MIN would have to give up a lot more IMO.

5.) 09 May 2016 04:31:27
Why is any team going to help min out of cap trouble. Stl certainly will not.

6.) 09 May 2016 10:56:15
Min adds I think you could build a trade around Coyal and Nino for the 6th.

7.) 09 May 2016 13:52:37
I like the trade it's a good idea, also Minnesota will gain cap sapce by buying out Tomas Vanek this offseason. That'll give the club 5 million dollars in extra space, which could do wonders for the team.



08 May 2016 03:32:52
I've heard from several sources that OTT doesn't want to pay a big contract to Hoffman and may trade him.

TO OTT: #6 overall pick, Joe Colborne

TO CGY: #12 overall pick, Mike Hoffman

Hoffman and Colborne are same age, and they are both RFA. Hoffman scored more but Colborne still scored 40 + points. Colborne is much bigger and versatile; can play all 3 fwd positions. CGY gets the better scorer but more expensive contract. OTT gets the higher (better) pick and more affordable contract.

Thoughts? Any adds from either side?


1.) 08 May 2016 04:53:34
Why would CGY do this? Hoffman alone isn't worth moving down 6 spots. And you want colborne?

OTT adds.

2.) 08 May 2016 06:23:01
Definitely helps Calgary with their top 6 but their going to want a little more from Ottawa maybe add chiasson and puempel and I think that's pretty fair but saying that I doubt Ottawa moves down dorion said he'll look into it but thinks he'll still be drafting with the 12th pick.

3.) 08 May 2016 07:58:37
I could see it from Calgary's perspective. Gets them another addition to their young top-6 who puts up legit numbers, and then they could draft a dman like Bean with the pick.

Ottawa may like it as well for the opportunity to move up in the draft, but I'm not sure Colborne is the player they'd want in return. Don't really know who they'd want off the top of my head tho so whatever. Not the worst proposal I've seen on this site.



24 Mar 2016 16:16:18
If CGY wins the 1st overall and ARZ wins 2nd or 3rd overall.

To ARZ: 1st OA, Wideman, Brett Kulak, 2nd (FLA)

To CGY: 2nd or 3rd OA, Dylan Strome, Mike Stone.


To NYI: Mike Stone and Colborne

To CGY: Ryan Strome

CGY gets the Strome brothers to play on Bennett's wings and Laine or Puljujarvii to play with Gaudreau and Monahan

NYI get a Hamonic replacement and can now move him to EDM (or whoever) for Eberle (or other top 6 winger/ fwd) and a good 30-40 point depth player.

ARZ gets the local boy who could really help draw tons of interest for that franchise as well as give them the top C to build around and the best player in the draft. They also get a vet D who can play lots of minutes, an NHL ready D prospect In Kulak and a 2nd round pick.


1.) 24 Mar 2016 17:25:49
Calgary Wont trade 1st overall.

2.) 24 Mar 2016 19:25:31
If they got D. Strome AND one of the Finns they would def have to think about it. And might do it.
Islanders say no to that tho.

3.) 24 Mar 2016 18:19:45
@ Bud: Why wouldn't they for this package? They don't really need more Center's, they need wingers, preferably RW with size and finishing ability. Laine would be perfect. He's a better fit for CGY than Matthews. This trade basically completes CGY's top 6 leaving only goaltending to address.

Gaudreau-Monahan-Laine/ Puljujarvii
D. Strome-Bennett-R. Strome.

4.) 25 Mar 2016 00:13:13
Pretty wishful thinking.




SC4CGY's banter posts with other poster's replies to SC4CGY's banter posts


08 Apr 2016 01:55:42
Calgary needs 2 things for next year. A #1 goalie and top 6 RW (preferably with right shots but will take best options) . I'm curious, with the pending expansion draft approaching and teams not wanting to lose good players for nothing, what do you feel your team could offer CGY and what return would you expect?

I would add that CGY will not likely move Monahan, Gaudreau, Bennett, Brodie, Hamilton or Giordano or this years 1st. Any offers?


1.) 08 Apr 2016 05:55:37
I'd bet CGY signs reimer this summer to be their starter. burke is familiar with him and he's played very well now that he's been put on a decent team.

as for the forward, i don't know. maybe they make a run at boedker? don't know about trades because its a bit too early to start speculating there.

2.) 08 Apr 2016 10:46:18
They might be close to cap troubles once Gaudreau and Monohan get signed to big deals this off season, Those should be first on Flames off season list. Bennett needs a new deal this off season as well! Then will be interesting to see what they do for a goalie and trying to add another top 6 winger if they can. Lots of money still tied up in their top 4 D as well, try and move Wideman, but then weaken their D core to sign a better goalie?

3.) 08 Apr 2016 15:03:14
I'll give you Lupul and Bernier for your 1st.

4.) 08 Apr 2016 18:18:49
@ Bud: I was hoping to hear serious offers and suggestions. Lol.

5.) 09 Apr 2016 13:26:53
Okposo would be a good fit.




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23 Jul 2024 01:32:28
“ what ever Calgary gets in return. ”
Well that’s the question isn’t it? What is Calgary getting for giving up some leadership and a serviceable player and a cap dump to boot. I hope more than the 1st. And yea, COL doesn’t come out of this with a young prospect. They get the 2nd line center they need and they pay for the dump of Landeskogs LTIR hit.
Very confusing post.




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28 May 2024 03:33:12
How is Jarnkrok and Minton a fair return for Calgary? Hubby is overpaid, sure, but he’s still a good player and should bring back more. CGY could retain to make it more palatable for another team. There is no need for CGY to salary dump as they’re going into rebuild/ retool mode.




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17 May 2024 04:13:39
CGY can replace Mangiapane with younger prospects like Pelletier. So no problem there, imo. But CGY shouldn’t trade Ras. He’s had a bad year but we don’t have anyone that can replace him anytime soon.




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11 Sep 2023 01:06:17
I know you Leaf fans think poorly of Hanifin but that trade is brutal.




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28 Jul 2023 23:03:57
Vbbb- Hanfin may not be worth that but Hanafin definitely is.





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08 Apr 2016 18:18:49
@ Bud: I was hoping to hear serious offers and suggestions. Lol.