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25 Jul 2024 23:07:11
Conversation Trade

I know there is no way Buffalo does this trade. But it would be good for WPG.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 01:29:55
It would be nice, but there's no reason for Buffalo to do that.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 18:46:50
If samuelsson is relegated to the bottom pair which is probably unlikely maybe something around Samuelsson and these 2 would make sense from a Winnipeg POV. He is a LHD but played on the right side for most of his career. If you don’t know him he’s very, very similar to Adam Larsson and would look good on the top pair with Morrisey. Passed for over 200 hits and BLKs last year and his advanced statistics put him in top 10 percentile in his own zone and top 5 percentile on the PK.

Ostlund (Projects as a 2C 16th overall in 2022 coming off a solid season in SHL) and Samuelson for Perfetti and McGority.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 20:58:13
Sorry Vbbb, there's nothing there that gets Chevy to consider it.

Perfetti isn't available.

Winnipeg has no need for another LHD. They need top 4 RHD, no other need on defense.

Best off waiting until the TDL.

4.) 27 Jul 2024 00:35:16
I have to agree with memarcusjoe on this.
This trade I just threw out there for conversation piece. I honestly do not think Perfetti will be traded. He will sign a deal. Only question is for how much and how long.
Ehlers will resign soon as well.
Also I don’t see McGroarty gets traded before TDL.
Bad thing is Jets options at 2C are
The defense is strong.
Morrissey Demelo
Samberg Pionk
Stanley Miller/ Heinola
There are needs. But really can’t see Chevy doing anything as of now.

5.) 27 Jul 2024 03:55:47
As i mentioned for his whole Career in Buffalo Samuelsson has played beside Dahlin and a little bit beside Power. Strictly on the right side. While he is left handed similar to TJ Brodie on Toronto he plays strictly on the right side (not sure where he played in his amateur career he could’ve played on the left side but so far in the NHL he has only played on right side. )

Being a physical shut down dman he is a natural partner for Morrisey imo. I believe if he becomes available Chevy would be all over him with the attention of pairing him with Morrisey.



21 Jul 2024 16:06:29
Read an article about possible trade scenarios of McGoarty.
One was

This trade in my opinion doesn't really do much for WPG. With Farabee then it really forces an Ehlers trade. Laughton is not a great 2C. But I guess on a defensive team would work.

Second was

This trade gives top 4D but left handed.
But he can be put on the Right side. He is better than Pionk. Holmstrom IDK anything about him except that he is a winger.

Third was
Kent Johnson

Johnson has offensive side and can play all three forward positions. Then possibly trade for a top 4D.

Other teams were BOS, MINN, CAR,
Personally I like to see guy go play for Tortilla! Give him a wake up call!


1.) 21 Jul 2024 17:20:42
Lol these are awful for every team not named Winnipeg.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 18:48:40
Yeah those are pretty bad scenarios done by beat writers that don't know anything about Winnipeg's needs.

CLB likely isn't trading Johnson.

The other two are for players that do nothing for Winnipeg.

It's not very often that a team targets players they don't need in trades.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 21:56:56
That’s what I thought after reading. These ppl writing about WPG McGoarty trade scenarios have not paid attention to WPG needs. 2C & top4 potential Right handed D.
I also Read about WPG and CAL including Kadri and prospects. Which makes absolutely no sense. Yes it gives WPG a 2C. But aged!
Another one was a trade involving Marner. Which I still think is a joke.
Personally I don’t see McGoarty trades to either at trade deadline or after the next season.
And Ehlers has rumours of staying in WPG.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 23:32:30
Totally agree. The earliest McGroarty moves now is the TDL unless someone blows Chevy away before then. Beat writers don't put a lot of thought into stuff. They just go, "well this team wants to trade this guy and that team wants to trade that guy, let's trade 'em for each other! " No thought of cap space or team needs at all.

Ehlers most likely stays a Jet. Scheifele and Helly didn't sign until late in the off season last year either.



13 Jul 2024 16:52:04
Just read an article about a trade between PHI and WPG.

Great trade for WPG for now. Providing they could resign Konecny.
But both player are later 20s.
But Konecny and Scheifele and think would look really good together.
But honestly I can't see this trade happening.


1.) 13 Jul 2024 19:47:17
Yeah, I definitely can't see that happening. The players are too old, have too little term left and Konecny isn't extending in Winnipeg.

It's not anything Winnipeg would be looking for in exchange for McGroarty, imo.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 22:38:53
Is this guy, not even a top 10 pick, worth that?

3.) 14 Jul 2024 05:05:22
Personally I think this is way too much for McGoarty.
So far all I’ve read so far is that really only few teams interested in McGoarty because of his demand of having a NHL roster spot. Montreal, Carolina, and I guess Philadelphia.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 17:11:38
Id like to think Chevy would take this deal. Makes the Jets better and deeper going into next season. Only have so many good years left in Helly so the time for being all in for a cup is now for the Jets.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 21:40:34
I would think Flyers add Sanheim and a top prospect, because Rutger is a superstar.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 01:53:36
superstar? seems more attitude. maybe should be in Toronto.

7.) 16 Jul 2024 11:47:38
I wasn't serious.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 06:06:49
Whoever wrote this article is a pinball Winnipeg fan. that's like a trade for a allstar, not a fairly upside prospect.



07 Jul 2024 15:59:43
Possibly off the wall trade proposal.

Sharangovich may not bring the offence that Ehlers can. But he did have a good season and he brings more grit than Ehlers and better defensively. Also he can play all three forward positions. May need work on face offs tho.
Many would see this as more of a lateral move. But I feel it brings more options.


1.) 07 Jul 2024 17:21:28
I think the Flames will stick with Sharongovic. I beleive they also just re-signed him to a new long term deal.

2.) 07 Jul 2024 19:23:47
Calgary just extended Sharangovich, they're not trading him.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 14:12:00
I agree that it doesn't look like they will trade him given the extension, but you never know. remember Dubois.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 18:25:24
He quietly had a solid season. What’s sharangovichs deal i admittedly don’t know a lot about him who is he as a player? Something like a Zacha?

5.) 09 Jul 2024 01:08:09
I had no idea that Sharangovich just signed an extension. Never checked. My bad.



07 Jul 2024 00:48:21
Just read an article about WPG Ehlers.
That 2 main teams showing interest.
Carolina and NYI.
Just talked about trade with NYI
Draft pick.

If this is the case I would go after
Possibly Holmstrom.

Carolina trade would be tough.
I don't think would work. Be nice but it's a no.

WPG would love Jarvis. But Carolina is not trading him.
Maybe Ehlers and McGoarty for Jarvis and Drury. But IDK.


1.) 07 Jul 2024 02:37:29
Pageau obviously doesn't worth since he's a cap dump and wouldn't waive for Winnipeg anyways.

They're not trading Eiserman and Dufour and Holmstrom are throw in, low value pieces that don't give Winnipeg anything they need.

Carolina isn't trading Jarvis and Necas is a lateral move basically for a player with only 2 years to UFA that will be more expensive than Ehlers next year.

2.) 07 Jul 2024 03:28:45
Personally I didn’t like the Pageau trade. Exactly what you said. Salary dump case scenario. Pageau is good, mostly defensive, which Jets already have Lowry and Namestnikov.
The Jets needs are a 2C and more help on defence. Preferably top 4D and RD.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 04:10:19
Agree. The only piece from the Islanders that makes sense is Pulock and I don't see that happening.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 16:01:26
gotta love these guys that presume a player won't waive a no trade. what is the basis of your argument? is it because you don't like Winnipeg?




Muzza01's banter posts with other poster's replies to Muzza01's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 23:11:43
Nice to see Habs improved their team.
While Jets did basically nothing to improve their team. I guess Chevy is banking on Lambert and Chibrikov on not only making the team but already being impact players.
Big day in signing 2 back up goalies!!!!!!
Missed out Stephenson or Monahan.
Sad you trade a first round pick not sign the player you traded for. I know it's not, But it looks like he is willing to just give draft picks away. Sad.




21 May 2024 01:36:07
Anyone come up with a Hellebuyck trade?
Winnipeg Jets if possible would be smart in trading Hellebuyck and re-signing Brossoit long term with a decent back-up.
I know he has NMC. But that doesn't mean he is entirely un-tradable. Just means he has full control of where he goes.
He is great in regular season. But look at his playoff stats. Not that impressive.


1.) 25 May 2024 13:23:34
Maybe to NewJersey. for this year's 1st, Allen and Holtz? You could switch out Allen for Dawes for a younger goalie with some potential.

2.) 26 May 2024 17:13:59
I like this trade. Holtz has potential to be top 6 forward. And Allen would be a great backup to Brossoit. Also gives Jets a first round pick.
But I’m thinking that if Devils trade Dawes instead of Allen then the first round pick probably would be a second round instead. Which still isn’t that bad.



07 May 2024 02:24:23
With Rick Bowness retirement. Who would make a good replacement coach for the Winnipeg Jets?
I personally think they need someone who can actually light a fire in the players. Someone like Craig Berube. Holds players accountable.
I read an article that had 4 potential coaches
Anyone have any thoughts?
I always thought Bowness was the wrong guy. Don't get me wrong I'm not just blaming him. Players did nothing to help. Play way too soft.
Big changes are needed in Winnipeg. Not just the coach!!


1.) 07 May 2024 13:17:54
I agree, some big changes are needed, but that isn't how True North operates, so there is a very good chance that Arniel is the next Jets coach.

2.) 10 May 2024 13:39:01
Sounds like they took Brind'Amour offer off the table. I would be surprised if they moved on from him. but if they did he would do great in WPG or in TOR.



16 Aug 2023 01:11:10
What's your opinion on Winnipeg Jets sign a one year contract or PTO with Nolan Patrick.
Maybe him coming home might be exactly what he needs to start over. ?


1.) 16 Aug 2023 12:56:53
There is a handful of young UFA’s I’d want to give a shot on my team. Puljujarvi, Comtois, Gregor, Patrick. I think Patrick would be a good idea for Winnipeg especially if there going to be sellers.



26 Mar 2023 16:39:35
The way the Winnipeg Jets are playing right now I'm starting to think the Jets should do a complete rebuild. Do a fire sale in the off-season. The core group just not working, it's time to hit the reset button. I believe they could get a lot of prospects and draft picks to start over. New coach same results !!!
Thinking if they did just a retool, the results would be the same.
Also think Cheveldayoff has to go. He has done nothing to really improve this team.
It's like he is scared to do anything major. There are other options.


1.) 27 Mar 2023 05:08:02
I think that might be a bit drastic. Maybe more retool than rebuild.? They have good core peices with Hellybuck, and Morrissey.
Scheifele, although not Superstar, is good number 1 center. PLD, Ehlers, and Perfetti all are above average forward to continue to build around.

I think some tweaks, move on from Wheeler and see what happens.

2.) 27 Mar 2023 13:18:46
I think a lot will depend on what Scheifele and Hellebuyck are thinking after this season. If neither are winning to extend after this season, then it may be time to move on from them, which would signal a rebuild.

3.) 27 Mar 2023 17:32:20
This team needs a new, younger coach from a winning organization that will bring a fresh approach to the game.
The Jets have the talent but are still lacking the leadership to get the most out of it.




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27 Jul 2024 00:35:16
I have to agree with memarcusjoe on this.
This trade I just threw out there for conversation piece. I honestly do not think Perfetti will be traded. He will sign a deal. Only question is for how much and how long.
Ehlers will resign soon as well.
Also I don’t see McGroarty gets traded before TDL.
Bad thing is Jets options at 2C are
The defense is strong.
Morrissey Demelo
Samberg Pionk
Stanley Miller/ Heinola
There are needs. But really can’t see Chevy doing anything as of now.




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21 Jul 2024 21:56:56
That’s what I thought after reading. These ppl writing about WPG McGoarty trade scenarios have not paid attention to WPG needs. 2C & top4 potential Right handed D.
I also Read about WPG and CAL including Kadri and prospects. Which makes absolutely no sense. Yes it gives WPG a 2C. But aged!
Another one was a trade involving Marner. Which I still think is a joke.
Personally I don’t see McGoarty trades to either at trade deadline or after the next season.
And Ehlers has rumours of staying in WPG.




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14 Jul 2024 05:05:22
Personally I think this is way too much for McGoarty.
So far all I’ve read so far is that really only few teams interested in McGoarty because of his demand of having a NHL roster spot. Montreal, Carolina, and I guess Philadelphia.




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09 Jul 2024 01:08:09
I had no idea that Sharangovich just signed an extension. Never checked. My bad.




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07 Jul 2024 03:28:45
Personally I didn’t like the Pageau trade. Exactly what you said. Salary dump case scenario. Pageau is good, mostly defensive, which Jets already have Lowry and Namestnikov.
The Jets needs are a 2C and more help on defence. Preferably top 4D and RD.





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26 May 2024 17:13:59
I like this trade. Holtz has potential to be top 6 forward. And Allen would be a great backup to Brossoit. Also gives Jets a first round pick.
But I’m thinking that if Devils trade Dawes instead of Allen then the first round pick probably would be a second round instead. Which still isn’t that bad.




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10 Mar 2023 20:22:48
I agree with you Islandjet. Meier and Schenn would’ve been great additions. Definitely would have helped both get in the playoffs and in the playoffs.
If by chance they don’t make the playoffs or again loose out in the first round again. Chevy has to go. Possibly Bowness goes too. Sad to say maybe it’ll be time to hit the reset button. Hire another GM (Laurence Gilman) Hire a younger coach, new ideas. (Spencer Carbery) . Do a rebuild. This organization is a huge mess. Lead by someone who is scared to do anything.




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26 Jun 2022 18:18:09
The greater problem is if they trade Scheifele and Dubois, they will be (pending on the trades) weak at Center position. Without a decent Center guys like Connor, Ehlers are going to be able to have the success they could/ should have.
Loosing Wheeler would be no big deal. He is good in ice but very poor locker room guy.
So it depends on what you want. Individualism or locker room group unity.




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30 Apr 2022 17:16:12
I agree with the coaching has to change. But Quenneville can’t coach in the NHL. Trots may be available. If not then why not his assistant Lambert?
Also agree with the defence needs to be changed and addressed. Schmidt and Dillon did not work out as hoped. Both could be traded.
Jets need to find a partner for Morrissey.
But for Wheeler! You want to pay a guy $8m to play 15m a game? I just thing that money could/ should be used differently. Like improve the defence.




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26 Apr 2022 01:45:05
Extremely sad news on Guy Lafleur.
Being a Habs fan was because of Guy Lafleur.

Remember playing street hockey and pretending to be Guy Lafleur. Sadly missed.
He was also my favourite player of all time.
